chris & tom cruise

May is B I G for Chris The Critic!

Blog by:  Chris Louzader

When I saw GREASE on the BIG screen in 1978, I was hooked on movies!  Part of my emphasis in college was on Film.  As soon as the radio station I worked at while at my first real job would allow me to do a movie review, I DID … May 24th, 1996 (woah 28 years ago).  I’ve had the massive fortune to be on various radio stations since.  Then, May 22nd, 2008, I debuted a segment called BOX OFFICE BUZZ on KOLR10 … then, when KOLR10/FOX added their Life Style programs, I joined those. 16 years later I am so over the moon to still be on TVs Ozarks Fox AM. 

Along the way, there was a very extra special moment on May 12th, 2009.  In a wild set of circumstances that resulted from working on a promotion with (then) Wehrenberg Campbell 16 (with the lovely Bracy Bays) IT happened.  The Tom Cruise Lunch came to fruition.  My first trip to Los Angeles was literally a catered lunch with Tom Cruise (TC).  Whether you love him or do not, he is an international SUPER star.  It was very surreal as I’ve loved this guy since 1981’s TAP (great flick).  I was very nervous while heading to TCs office (at that time) on the top floor at MGM studios.  Was he going to be nice or not all of that?!?  There was a beautiful lunch of an incredible Caesar salad.  TC was not in the room yet and his publicist walked in and say Tom was going to be late.  I was like, oh no here we go, he’s not showing up.  I continued to eat my salad not believing TC was going to ever enter the room.   My back was to the door and my chair got bumped, I thought it was the caterer … NOPE, it was that million-dollar grin staring right into my eyes … he DID arrive.  There were about six of us in total at this lunch.  Tom made rounds in the room.  We chatted about movies; our favorites and TC and I kept circling back to me to chat about the marketing of movies – we bonded.  The rest is history…