Blog By: Chris Louzader
I do NOT love “projects” and my OCD does not usually allow things to get to “project” status. But sometimes the CLOSET gets a little ignored. Doe this happen to you? I waited till I knew that Don Louzader was going to be out of the house for several hours and I went “in for the kill” for our shared walk-in closet.
For the next 3 hours, I decided what hasn’t been worn in over a year was NOT going to be. Piles of clothes – jeez, a couple with price tags STILL, bags of shoes – several with little NO WEAR, even some purses! It FEELS so good to CLEAR OUT. Very gratifying. And, to boot these items were donated to people who can now appreciate them like I once did.
I’d like to keep this “project” from happening again by keeping “up” on it throughout the year! How often do YOU clean out your closet?