don stuff!

Do you keep TOO much “stuff?”

Blog by: Chris Louzader

I’m a “neat nick” organizational freak.  Don Louzader, on the other hand loves to keep “stuff” and a lot of it.  I call him a hoarding pack ratter LOL.  There are his collectibles, which I understand … but, then there are totes and totes and more totes full of printed statistics (like sports stuff you can find on the internet now.). He also has VHS tapes galore.  How is he going to watch these now?  Oh, did I mention all the storage totes look pretty much the same and they are NOT labeled?  

How do we co-exist?  I mentioned one day to Don that the garage wasn’t going to get any larger and BOTH our cars will always fit in the garage, if you catch my drift 🙂.  So, Don got himself a 10X20 storage unit just down the street.  If you have a pack-ratting hoarder in your life, a storage unit might just be the answer.  OR, let me know what has worked for you?  We always love hearing from you!