Do You Like Boring Adult Stuff?

Growing up means starting to love some boring old adult stuff!

Millennials and Gen X’ers are talking about all the stuff they thought was mind-numbingly boring as a kid, but they love now!  Here’s the top 10:

1.  Slicing into a perfectly ripe avocado.

2.  Bird-watching.

3.  Instant Pots.

4.  Organizing.  And, by extension, the Container Store.

5.  Alone time.  Sitting in silence . . . doing nothing.

6.  Paying bills.

7.  Checking items off to-do lists.

8.  Puzzles.  Some people even get amped about framing them afterward.

9.  High-quality bedding.  And spending time SLEEPING in that bedding.

10.  Going to the grocery store or a place like CVS and getting a great deal on something.  Someone said, “Swiping my loyalty card . . . and watching the total drop.”

11.  Walking into a Costco.

12.  Cleaning.

13.  Yardwork.

14.  Getting up early on a Saturday to go to the local farmer’s market.

15.  Leftovers.

I’m surprised leftovers aren’t at number 1!

– Joe Lose