
Happy Shark Week


I Love shark week. Sharks are such interesting and creepy creatures. Chris and I hung out at Wonders of Wildlife celebrating last week. Thanks to everybody who stopped by. I highly suggest the shark dive experience if you haven’t tried it. It’s so cool to get into the sharks house.

If you haven’t had enough shark tv, I found a list of the top 10 shark movies according to Here goes.

#1. Duh! It’s JAWS of course! By the way. Richard Dreyfuss, who played Matt Hooper in the movie, will be in Nixa at the Aetos Center. This movie is known as the first ever summer blockbuster. Unlike many movies that came out in 1975…it holds up!

#2. Deep Blue Sea. 1999. Thomas Jane and Samuel L. Jackson. Scientists become the prey of intelligent sharks.

#3. The Shallows. 2016. A surfer is attacked by a great white shark. We get this suggestion on our FB page.

#4. 4.47 Meters Down. 2017. Mandy Moore, Claire Holt and Matthew Modine. Two sisters trapped in a shark cage with less than an hour of oxygen left. My wife and I liked this one. Edge of your seat.

#5.The Reef. 2010. A great White hunts the crew of a capsized sail boat off the Great Barrier Reef.

#6. Bait. 2012. A tsunami traps shoppers in a supermarket with 12 great white sharks. Sounds like fun to me!

#7. Open Water. 2003. Based on a true story of two scuba divers stranded in shark infested waters. I would have ranked this one a little higher.

#8. Dark Tide. 2012. John Stockwell and Halle Berry. Haven’t seen it but if Halle Berry’s in it, i’d watch it.

#9. Shark Night. 2011. A weekend at the lake house in Louisiana turns into a nightmare for 7 friends.

#10. Sharknado. 2013. This had to make the list. It’s so stupid, it’s good!

Happy Shark week watching!