flying lap

I always wanted to fly a plane…


…but, I’m scared of heights and nobody in their right mind would ever give me a pilots license. The good news is, I came pretty close over at the Flying Lap. It was super fun! They have racing and flight simulators that give you the feeling like you’re really doing it… without the danger. They also have many cool VR games for you to try. I’m telling you…it was a rush! I almost landed on that darn aircraft carrier. I think I need a little more practice. Can’t wait to do it again.

The Grand opening is Saturday May 11th. You can race your dream car or fly a fighter mission and get into competitions for prizes. The Flying Lap is in the Plaza Shopping Center at 1914 S. Glenstone. Find out more and stay up to date at The Flying Lap Simulation & VR on Facebook. Next time you go in mention the Dove and get 15 minutes of game time for free.