
Predictions for the Next Total Eclipse.


It’s going to be a little while before we experience the next total eclipse. Sometime in the year 2045. I hope to still be around to see that one. My wife and kids can wheel me out to the back deck in my Jetsons style scooter and put some cool modern eclipse viewers on my head. Hook me up with a cold one and put me back in my hyperbolic chamber when it’s over. I’m looking forward to it.

I have a few predictions for that same year. Want to hear them? Here they are:

First off, in 2045 life expectancy will be much longer. Heck, I might even be around for the next few total eclipses.

I’ll be loaded up with a bunch of fun brain implants. One to watch whatever I want on my hologram projector, no remote needed. One to telepathically communicate with my dogs. Even one to crank up the tunes in my head without headphones. I’ll just think of the song I want to hear.

We will finally have flying cars but I still won’t trust them.

Many of my neighbors will probably be cyborgs. That’s ok. We’ll get along fine.

The Rolling Stones will be in the middle of their 2045 Can’t Stop Rocking tour.

See you at the next eclipse. What are your predictions?