Blog by: Chris Louzader

They only come along ONCE A YEAR … Those tasty little treats known as GIRL SCOUT COOKIES! I received a video request from one of my friends’ kids to buy some, so I DID.  I got a box for Don Louzader … Thin Mints and I got a box for myself, Peanut Butter patties.  YUM!

This is where the story goes awry … Don eats his WHOLE BOX Thin Mints in one fail swoop, like in just a couple hours.  I was rationing my Peanut Butter Patties … like two a day.  It took me several days to go through one of two sleeves.  I had the second and last sleeve tucked away in the cupboard.  A couple of weeks went by and I was like, oh yeah, I have another sleeve of Girls Scout cookies – Woo-hoo!  I ran to the cabinet like I was running an Olympic race.  They weren’t where I’d put them … I looked everywhere moving everything … NO sleeve of cookies.  And, said a loud, Mmm … I thought I another sleeve of Girl Scout Peanut Butter Patties.  I walk into the living room, I’m going nuts I guess, I thought I had more cookies I was saving.

The guilty party DID come forward right away!  Don Louzader had a look on his face that was a combo of Uh-Oh / Shame / Apology ALL in one.  Don said … “I ate them … I thought we were sharing?”  I asked him how many Thin Mints I got, he said, “none!” I think that made the point.  My suggestion is hide your cookies friends